How to Become a Lender?
A lender or a loan officer is a person who helps others to get a loan. Lenders are helpful for people who either want a mortgage loan or a commercial loan. Other than helping you with the loan process, they also teach you how to invest in a business and how to achieve goals. You have got to know the role of a lender, now your question could be, how to become a lender ? Regardless of whether you are an individual or a corporation, you will need a loan at some point in your life. To solve the problem middle man and banks are there. Both individuals and banks can benefit from these loans, which can be arranged by lenders. What are the steps to becoming a lender? • To become a lender you must have a bachelor’s degree in business and accounting. • After graduation, go for an internship program, from where you can gain experience. • To become a mortgage or loan officer, you require a nationwide applicable licence, for which you need a 20- hour course of the pre-licensure pr...